Stop Smoking Group Therapy – Update

With the February 2012 Stop Smoking Group Therapy now over, all future Stop Smoking Group Therapy meetings will be organized based on patient request/need. If you want to attend a smoking cessation group therapy, please contact us with your interest. As soon as we have enough patients to meet minimum group size, we will contact each patient to put the group together based on the requested meeting day(s) and time(s). We will try our best to accommodate patient requested meeting dates/times; however, we also have to take into account the number of participants available for each meeting.

Please visit Group Therapy for additional information as well as to download an overview of the covered topics.

Please contact us if you plan to attend our smoking cessation group therapy. You do not have to quit smoking prior to enrollment, and the group format assumes that participants still smoke (those who have quit can still benefit too).

Dr. Fisher is also happy to answer any questions you might have about group therapy prior to your participation.